Alluring lady Amanda ALves looks hot in her short shorts and boots. Watch it all come off to show her nice ass, tits and cock. As of this video update, the format options for downloadable video have been changed. For details, see the VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS page which may be linked from any video content page.
13th Dec 2011
Rating: 4.50
Here's Amanda's introduction video from Bob's TGirls. This is a video scene only, there are no photos for this scene.
13th Dec 2011
Rating: N/A
Orange really compliments with black but I know you wouldn't notice it that much because of that sexy lady in front of you. Go get her!
This is a photo scene only, there are no videos for this scene.
5th Jan 2012
Rating: 5.00
Alluring lady Amanda ALves looks hot in her short shorts and boots. Watch it all come off to show her nice ass, tits and cock. As of this video update, the format options for downloadable video have been changed. For details, see the VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS page which may be linked from any video content page.
13th Dec 2011
Rating: 4.50
Pink and black looks good on every lady but the moment you saw Amanda Alves wears that color you will be in total surprise.....but you'll be in total awe when goes naked :)
This is a photo scene only, there are no videos for this scene.
20th Nov 2011
Rating: N/A