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  • March 18, 2002

    Laura (Crystal) was taken from us suddenly, yesterday.

    I've gone through several emotional states since this happened - mostly anger. Beyond being sad about what happened, I'm more angry because it was so senseless. There will be different versions of what took place and since I don't have all the facts, I will not attempt to detail what happened. There will also be differing opinions as to who is culpable. What happened and who all is to blame is irrelevant now.

    What is relevant is the behavior and attitudes that some transgenders show towards others and it must stop. The petty squabbles over who is better than whom and why are so ludicrous, that I can't effectively describe my disgust for the situation. Mainstream society persecutes the transgender community enough. So instead of sticking together and helping each other, some feel the need to further persecute others that they have decided are inferior, for one reason or another.

    Now we're at the point where these squabbles are being decided with firearms. This has gotten way out of control. Laura was not the person with the gun, nor was she the target, but she is the one who is dead and for that I am angry. I hope that those I'm talking about will learn something from this and make changes for the better. At least that would give some meaning to this tragedy.

    Well now on to Laura... I didn't get to spend as much time with her as I (now) wish I had, but I did have a special rapport with her. One of our little things was the way she would refer to me as her husband and even introduce me to others as such. It was just in fun, but now when I think of that, I start crying. Yesterday, someone told me that Laura had confided, to her, that I was the only one she would let photograph her. That made me feel good, yet a little sadder at the same time. Maybe there was more between us than I realized. And now, I really miss her.

    Whenever I think about the transsexual community as a whole, certain (few) individuals stand out in my mind. The reasons vary, but the impact they've had on me is why they stand out. Laura is and always will be one of those individuals.

    She was very involved in the community and many looked up to her as the patrona. She was also the Vice President of the Transgeneration 2000 support group and it was her goal to improve the lot of the transsexual community. I discussed this and some of her other qualities below, when she debuted on the site.

    Well Laura, I hope you are in a better place and I hope we will meet again. You did make a difference; you affected all who knew you and you will not be forgotten.


    November 22, 2001

    Some of you will recognize Crystal from Pamela's Birth Party photos. In fact, I received many requests to have her on the site. I initially invited her long before she appeared in those photos. She turned me down as she had done several times since.

    Crystal is now one of the gals facilitating the Transgeneration 2000 support group. In fact she is one of the coordinators for the Thanksgiving dinner party this year. She has wit and a leadership type of personality. In fact she is an icon in the TS community here in L.A.

    I personally find her very erotic too. She is one of those girls who can start my motor just by showing up. But with all that, she has a shy side too and seemed to be uncomfortable about her appearance especially with her lack of breast implants. I reassured her many times that she is gorgeous and implants don't matter - at least not in her case. So it took me a couple of years to finally convince her to pose for us. Actually I probably didn't convince her of anything. Crystal is strong willed and I think the only person who convinces Crystal of anything is Crystal. I just occasionally reminded her of the invitation and told her how gorgeous she was. She finally approached me, which was a big surprise.

    I really appreciate having her here. Many of the girls I photograph had never modeled (nude at least) before doing it for me. So I typically don't bother to mention that a girl is an internet virgin. But, I think Crystal is well worth mentioning because I have a feeling that she won't be posing for other photographers. Anyway, thank you Crystal for gracing the pages of my website.

  • Location: Los Angeles, CA

Crystal's Photosets

60 Photos

Crystal Sexy In Black Dress

Crystal looking sexy and fine decking out that gorgeous black dress. This is a photo scene only, there are no videos for this scene.

27th Feb 2003

    Rating: 5.00

81 Photos

Cami Corset

Cami corset looks really good on Crystal, makes her more fuckable! This is a photo scene only, there are no videos for this scene.

22nd Aug 2002

    Rating: 5.00

56 Photos

Griffith Observatory

Crystal having some "fun" in the Griffith Observatory. This is a photo scene only, there are no videos for this scene.

31st Jan 2002

    Rating: 5.00

44 Photos

Crystal In Red And Black

Crytal's beauty shines in her red and black outfit. Gorgeous! This is a photo scene only, there are no videos for this scene.

15th Nov 2001

    Rating: 5.00

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