Odaliz In Miami
Featuring -
Photographer - Bob Maverick
Added - October 25, 2000
In a roundabout way Odaliz ended up in South Beach at the same time I was there. What happened was, in early August she called me and said she wanted to go to Hawaii for her birthday and asked me if I wanted to go with her. I told her I did but I was planning this trip to Miami and asked her if she wanted to go there instead. She said OK, but the hotel I wanted to stay in was booked up and other problems came up. So she decided it was too much of a hassle and decided not to go. Meanwhile I went ahead with setting up my own plans to go at the end of the month.
The idea of Miami stuck with Odaliz though. So asked one of her girlfriends to go not knowing I was making plans myself. At the last minute her friend bailed out. But she decided to just go by herself. She told me about her plans before she left. As it turned out she arrived a day before me and her hotel turned out to be about two blocks from mine. So basically we hung out together whenever I wasn't doing a photoshoot.I'm really glad she was there. We had a lot of fun. Normally here at home, I don't drink much at the clubs because I always have to drive. But there we just walked and took cabs, so one night I got more toasted than I have in years. We had fun bar hopping then went back to my hotel. She asked me to take photos of her. We were both kind of drunk. She and I haven't decided whether or not we want to post any of those. We then ordered lasagna to the room at about 4 AM, crashed then spent the next day at the beach and pool behind the hotel. The following day we went to the nude beach where I took the photos of Venus. The weather overcast with thunderstorms. But that was much better than the hurricane that fortunately changed direction and missed Florida. So we got the pics you see here but had to quit early because it started raining. The first pics in the set were basically vacation shots taken around my hotel. Unlike Venus, Odaliz didn't seem to care if people saw that she has a cock. Since she didn't try to hide it a couple of guys were intrigued and came over to talk to us. I also noticed a cop and lifeguards, checking out the scene with binoculars. They didn't bother us though which was cool. They just stayed at the lifeguard station and watched.Who knows she might go back with next time.
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