Pussy Dilation
Featuring -
Carmen Caspar
Photographer - Bob Maverick
Added - January 26, 2012
Carmen is actually one of our birthday girls this month. This set of photos goes with her Dilation Demonstration video that went up a while back.
After a sexual reassignment surgery (SRS), the patient has to go through a dilation regimen in order to prepare her new vagina for sexual intercourse.
In the early days of Bob's Tgirls before there was video, I did a photoshoot with Gina after her SRS. One set showed her using her dilation tools.
In this video, Carmen provides some commentary to go with her demonstration.
Here's a little bit of Bob's Tgirls trivia. Gina was not only my very first model (I shot for Yum), she was later my first postop model.
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